Bonnie Foi College Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bonnie Foi College is 07556543381 .

Bonnie Foi College-BFC was established in the year 1997. The word Bonnie Foi comes from the French word, itself means `Good Faith`. The Bonnie Foi Society endeavour to provide `Total Education` from Pre-Nursery to Post Graduation and professional Qualification. Thus, it aims at becoming the biggest and the best self- reliant private education centre in the Madhya Pradesh.

At Bonnie Foi College-BFC have equipped ourselves with excellent infrastructure, innovative methods of teaching, modern teaching facilities and teachers with vision and proficiency in their fields to embark on this knowledge revolution. We believe in being pro-active to stimulate you to achieve maximum success in your chosen field. Bonnie Foi College-BFC believe that you are coming here with many dreams, we will help you to bring them into reality, students’ efforts and our vision have worked wonders and many students of our institutions have achieved excellent success in their respective fields of studies in India and abroad.

Dr. G. K. Iyer, D. Litt; has been awarded UWA Life time Achievement award, Rising personality of India award, Glory of India & Gold Medal Award, India Gold Star & Gold Medal Award, UWA Excellence Award, Pride of India Gold & Gold Medal Award, UCM Secular India Harmony Award, Jewel of India Gold & Gold Medal Award (Certificate of Excellence-2002) and Rashtrya RAtan & Gold Medal Award, UEM Secular India Harmony Award, Eminent Citizen of India Award, Rashtriya Samman Puruskar Award, Jana Kalyan Sadbhavana Award, Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award, Indra Gandhi Sadbhavana Award, Arch of Excellence Award, Jewel of India Award, Bharat Shiksha Award, International Goldstar Millennium Award-2005 (Received at Bangkok, Thailand.)

The Society proposes to undertake the cause of education as a mission in Community Services. It is inspired and guided by outstanding personalities adn edcationists of high repute who are devoted and dedicated to provide value oriented education. Bonnie Foi College-BFC mission is 'to prepare students to become self-reliant productive individuals with clarity, precision and independence'.

Bonnie Foi College-BFC is an institution dedicated to impart Quality education. Our aim is to make the student excellent performers with atmost self-cofidence and practical wisdom, So as to be successful in whatever field of activities they get involved after educations. We lay stress on all round personality and leadership development of our students through academics, sports and co-curricular activities.

My objective to start Bonnie Foi College-BFC was to make higher Education available to all who are desirous of getting it. I also visualised that social transformation can be brought about through the medium of dynamic institution. Bonnie Foi College thus is an institution of higher education with social commitment.

Bonnie Foi College-BFC has a well equipped (Science, electronic, Physics, Bio, Chemistry, Micro Biology, Bio - Tech & Psychology Laboratory for the students to experiment, learn and to come to on's own conclusion because learning by doing makes concrete concept formation.

Bonnie Foi College-BFC has excellent infrastructure and pleasing natural environment at Narela Sankari, Ayodhya by - pass road and Administrative Building at Govindpura, Bhopal. The building is magnificent and spacious with open space and greenery all round, making the campus environment pleasant, peaceful and beautiful. The building houses the administrative block, Arts, Science & Commerce block, Computer & IT blocks, Library & Reading room blocks, sports & P. T. blocks, open auditorium and seminar Hall. Conclusive to effective learning. The college currently has a well furnished building at Narela Sankari, Bhopal.

A big play ground is open for our students both during college hours and after the college hours. Bonnie Foi College-BFC has facilities for playing Basketball, Football, Cricket, Badminton, Lawn Tennis, Volleyballs, Athletics, Hocky, Gymnastics, Kabhadi, Kho-Kho, Weightlifting, Judo and Indoor games, Training is given by trained coaches. Regular sports activities are organised to tap the sports potential of our students to encourage group participation and team spirit. Not only we hope, but we wish that you may make your mind to take full co-operation and services of the word BIMB TV NEWS alongwith it’s experienced and professional staff for your entire satisfaction please.

Bonnie Foi College Address

The address of Bonnie Foi College is Nerela Sankari, Ayodhya Nagar, Bye-pass Road, Bhopal M.P..

Bonnie Foi College Email Address

The email address of Bonnie Foi College is

Bonnie Foi College Website

The Website of Bonnie Foi College is

Bonnie Foi College Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bonnie Foi College is 07556543381 (Click phone number to call).

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