Maybank2u Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Maybank2u is 1300 886688 .
Maybank2u is a Public Bank located in Malaysia. The bank provides all the necessary services to the customers such as financial assistance, education loan to the students, and other loans as well. The Maybank2u has 12 million customers located in Malaysia. The Maybank2u is considered one of the top banks in Malaysia and are serving the people since 1963. The Maybank2u was originally initiated in Malaysia and are performing it's operation in all parts of the country. The Maybank2u offers various types of credits cards to the customers. The Maybank2u credit cards are acceptable through the world and has acceptance of 24/7 worldwide. The Maybank2u has 120 million assets and is earning 1.08 billion Revenue every year.

Maybank2u Services and Benefits

The Maybank2u plays a vital role in the Malaysia as it provides all types of loans such as auto loan, personal,loan and various other loans. The customers can fulfill all the necessary aspects to acquire the Loans with normal rate of interest. The Maybank2u is Very helpful as it provides a education loan with any interest for participating in higher education. The Maybank2u also provides a financial assistance to the mentally or physically disabled peoples. The Maybank2u provides car loan up to 20 lack to the customer that can be returned in monthly installment. The Maybank2u is considered among the top ten banks in Malaysia.

Presence of Maybank2u on the Social Media Profiles

Maybank2u customers can find the Maybank2u on the social media website easily through the following links. The customers can find all the latest news and information of the company on these profiles.

Maybank2u Presence Link on Faceboo!/Maybank/info?tab=overview

Maybank2u Presence Link on LinkedIn

Maybank2u Presence Link on Twitter

Maybank2u Address

The address of Maybank2u is Malaysia..

Maybank2u Website

The Website of Maybank2u is

Maybank2u Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maybank2u is 1300 886688 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maybank2u Service Center and Maybank2u customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Maybank2u customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Maybank2u. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Maybank2u will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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