City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement is +1-519-741-5000 / +1-519-749-7420 .
City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement is a division of Kitchener city council that investigates and enforces all the municipal bylaws and regulations in order to provide safe and healthy community. Bylaw Enforcement is responsible for Providing education, Conducting inspections, Issuing warnings and handling complaints and penalties. City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement are adopted on 19 December, 1988 in accordance with the By-law Number 88-100 of the Municipal Council. City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement shares a common goal with our residents in order to make community safe, healthy and enjoyable for everyone. In this regard, we have bylaws and regulations in place to encourage residents and businesses to be responsible and respectful of their neighbors and contribute to the health, safety and vibrancy of our community.

Contact Details of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement

Mailing Address of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement
Address: City of Kitchener, PO Box 1118, Kitchener, ON Canada, N2G 4G7
Phone Number: 519-741-2345 / 1-866-969-9994
Grievance Cell: 519-741-2345

Locations of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement

By-Law Enforcement
Address: 33 Ontario St N, Kitchener, ON N2H 4Y4, Canada
Phone Number: +1 519-741-2330

Waterloo By-Law Enforcement
Address: 150 Frederick St, Kitchener, ON N2H 2L9, Canada
Phone Number: +1 519-575-4591

Business Commitment Of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement

  • Knowledgeable consultants with experience in the investigating.
  • We Source Competitive Rates directly from Airlines and Wholesalers.
  • 110% commitment to provide our customers with a quality service.
  • 24x7 Hours Emergency Number Service.
  • Licensed Travel Agent who participate in The Travel Compensation Fund.

City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Address

The address of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement is 321 Court land Avenue East, Kitchener, Ontario N2G 3X8, Canada.

City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Email Address

The email address of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement is

City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Website

The Website of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement is

City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement is +1-519-741-5000 / +1-519-749-7420 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Service Center and City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Elaine Cecchin CallsJun 23, 2018

Ms. Elaine Cecchin On Phone To City of Kitchener Bylaw Enforcement Service
The trailer belongs to Marcel Bradbury at 920 Keewatin Place. It has been parked there since yesterday evening. Bradbury is running a construction business from the residence. Construction vehicles and equipment are continuously being parked on the street as if it were his private construction yard. This trailer is impeding normal flow of traffic and would certainly prevent the passage of larger emergency vehicles such as a fire trucks and ambulance. He has no room in his driveway due to other construction machinery and trailers that he has parked there. This is an ongoing issue that adversely impacts the quality of life of all residences expected to live on a quiet residential street.

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