Toshiba Noida Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Toshiba Noida is 1800 200 6768 .
Since the establishment of an internationally accepted company of Electronics and Engineering products, Toshiba Corporation or Toshiba in the year of 1938, it is engaged in the manufacturing of various products such as Laptops, Projectors, TV, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, AC, Barcode Printer, Power System, Microcomputers, IC's and more. Toshiba is a Japan based company that sells its products and services under many categories listed as PC Business, TV Business, Office Automation, Home Appliances Business, Social Infrastructure, Semiconductor and Storage Business.

Initially, in 1875, it opened its door to the business world as Tanaka Seizo-sho which amalgamated its operations with Tokyo Denki in 1938 in order to form a new company, Tokyo Shibaura Electric K.K. However, the company named as Tokyo Shibaura Electric K.K was rebranded to its original name in 1978. Although, the company regulates a number of subsidiaries namely Toshiba America Inc., Toshiba Asia Pacific Pte., Toshiba China Co., Toshiba of Europe Ltd., etc in all over the world but its main office is centralized in Minato, Tokyo, Japan.

In order to fulfill the needs of million people, the company has been operating various regional offices and outlets globally by giving employment to 206,087 employees globally as of 2013. Apart from indoor meetings, it also allows the people to shop the products online through its official website. As per the report of 2012, the company generated a total earning of 6.204 trillion Yen.

Toshiba Noida Address

The address of Toshiba Noida is F-1, Sec-8, Noida Ho, Noida, India.

Toshiba Noida Website

The Website of Toshiba Noida is

Toshiba Noida Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Toshiba Noida is 1800 200 6768 (Click phone number to call).

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The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Toshiba Noida Service Center and Toshiba Noida customer care number is given below. The helpline of Toshiba Noida customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Toshiba Noida Phone Number Customer Service

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Toshiba Noida Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Gitika CallsAug 30, 2016

Ms. Gitika On Phone To Toshiba Noida Service
I have registered my complaint with Toshiba customer care twice. The call is directed to the Universal Electronics authorised service centre in Vishnu Garden. The executive visited on 22nd Aug and said that the mother board of my 40 inch LCD needs to be replaced and that I can call him next day morning to change the same. He took Rs. 250 as visit charges. I have been calling on the numbers mentioned on the bill - 9650333553 and 9311626315. Either nobody picks up the phone or they pick and say that they will call back, but nobody calls. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I WILL TAKE THIS GUY TO CONSUMER COURT. I HAVE BEEN HARRASSED. IF I DONT HEAR FROM TOSHIBA OR THIS SERVICE CENTRE, I WILL APPROACH CONSUMER COURT AND ENSURE THAT THIS SERVICE CENTRE SHUTS DOWN. YOU CAN CALL ME AT - 9873099469.

Customer care male
Mr. Pankaj Dhiman CallsAug 29, 2016

Mr. Pankaj Dhiman On Phone To Toshiba Noida Service
Sir your very 3rd class customer service support, all customer care wrong number, my led TV not working please send your mechanic. Ph 9990008444 address c 278 sector 22 noida.

Customer care male
Mr. Himank Kalra CallsJul 05, 2016

Mr. Himank Kalra On Phone To Toshiba Noida Service
My led is in warranty unable to contact you so pleaae register my complaint Himank Kalra 9810266989.

Customer care male
Mr. Raghu Mohan CallsAug 03, 2013

Mr. Raghu Mohan On Phone To Toshiba Noida Service
Dear sir,
We are from Visakhapatnam steel plant, ordered one Toshiba 256SE machine on 26.06.13 and still waitimg for our order delivery. As it's requirement is urgent we communicated and continously followed up with your local service providers, "HCL" people since 10.06.2013. They were reminded in every 2days, however we could not get clear information and even they are not responding properly, not attending/lifting our calls also. As a service provider not lifting/ attending of customer calls is not satisfactory to the stature of company like "Toshiba". Kindly expidite and inform us

Customer care male
Mr. king kong Says Jan 24, 2016

Fuck you mother fucker.

Customer care user complaints